Egypt’s Unique Cultural Traditions Posted on 30 October 2024 By Eric Flores Egypt’s Unique Cultural Traditions – Ramadan is a time that all Muslims around the world look forward to, and each country makes its own preparations for this holy month. It’s always interesting to talk about the traditions of countries in the world that celebrate Ramadan. Because in that country there are always one or two customs that do not necessarily exist in other countries. One of the countries that celebrates the month of Ramadan is Egypt, which also has its own tradition of celebrating this blessed month. Let’s look at 10 typical Egyptian traditions when celebrating the month of Ramadan. Egypt’s Unique Cultural Traditions surlerythme – Perhaps the most obvious change in Egypt during Ramadan is the appearance of beautiful lanterns. According to legend, the Fatimid Caliph Muezz El-Din El-Allah first entered Cairo on the fifth day of Ramadan in 358 AD (969 AD). When he arrived after dark, residents came out in droves with lanterns to welcome him and celebrate his arrival. Since then, fanous has become a symbol of Ramadan in Egypt. These lanterns are available in a variety of different sizes and colors. Lanterns can be seen everywhere, hung on walls, used as home decorations, and even used as toys by small children while singing Ramadan songs. decorative lights flash at night Beautiful lighting has been installed along public roads, in homes, cafes and mosques, adding to the magic of Egypt’s night city. cooking party The main activity in the month of Ramadan is fasting, but no one can deny that as the sun sets and the time to break the fast gets closer, everyone who fasts prepares delicious food and drinks. Many women have been shopping for breaking the fast for several weeks in advance, so the menu for breaking the fast must be prepared carefully. In the first week, gather with friends and family to break the fast together.Egypt has special dishes and sweets that symbolize the month of Ramadan. The most famous are Kataev and Zarabia, as well as Konafa. There is also koshav, a type of fruit salad made by mixing dried figs, dates, raisins and apricots soaked in water. And finally, Amar El Din, a famous Ramadan drink made from apricot skins, is refreshing. Baca Juga : Getting to Know Polish Culture The gymnasium is full While this does not apply to all Egyptians, gyms are usually packed two hours before the end of the Ramadan fast. Although Ramadan tends to encourage eating larger amounts than usual to break the fast, many Egyptians use this month to start losing weight, or at least to prevent excess weight gain. For those who care deeply about their health and shape, there’s no reason to waste all the hard work you put in at the gym throughout the year, and for those who don’t want to gain weight, the gym may be the right place for you. Resolved. It’s time to restrain yourself Ramadan is a time to get closer to God, live simply, increase your charity, and keep a low profile. Those who like coffee, cigarettes, or both will face many temptations while fasting. Egyptian society seems to be experiencing the same problems as people in other parts of the world who are addicted to tobacco and coffee. be careful in speaking Swearing is not unusual in the Egyptian language, but during Ramadan Egyptians have to be more careful with their words if they don’t want their fast to be broken. People who are used to bad-mouthing need to find other ways to convey their annoyed words. please do lots of charity work Ramadan is a special time in Egypt when people settle their differences. Giving alms became very important, and when the sun set and it was time to break the fast, examples of generosity were seen in Egypt. Baca Juga : List of the Most Expensive Women’s Bags Mosques and local communities feed the poor and set up large tables for them and others who wish to participate. Don’t worry if you are late. There are always Egyptians on the streets handing out water and dates to those looking for food to break the fast. Reciting Al-Qur’an Egyptians do not differ from their religious practices in other countries during Ramadan. A very important custom in Egypt is Hatma, or reading the entire Koran for a month. The Koran consists of 30 juz, so you only need to read one surah per day during the holy month. Enjoy TV series One of the pillars of Egyptian Ramadan culture is Ramadan melodrama. The show is only broadcast during the holy month and is very popular throughout the Middle East. Millions of Muslims spend time watching television during and after fasting. No wonder commercial TV channels have the highest ratings this month. Egyptian TV shows can make any social or historical topic into an interesting experience. There are also daily TV programs that introduce the mysteries of Ramadan that are eagerly awaited by Egyptian TV viewers. spend time with family The last one is Ramadan and family relationships. Egyptians invite close family, friends and distant relatives to break the fast together in a beautiful and warm atmosphere that is usually less tense outside of the holy month. They enjoy Ramadhan together by sitting and chatting while eating delicious food and watching TV together. Budaya Egypt's Unique Cultural TraditionsTraditions
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