Dangers of Foreign Culture Entering Indonesia Posted on 23 October 2024 By Eric Flores Dangers of Foreign Culture Entering Indonesia – In the era of globalization, foreign culture is starting to enter Indonesia. In these difficult times, the development of technology that combines different cultures is not a good thing. One of Indonesia’s weaknesses is that it accepts the entry of different cultures without any filter. As a habit of Indonesian society, they are very sensitive to innovations that exist in real life without understanding which ones are in accordance with current Indonesian norms and rules and which ones are not in accordance with current Indonesian norms and rules and accept them openly. Dangers of Foreign Culture Entering Indonesia surlerythme – The norms that must be obeyed by Indonesian citizens are religious norms, legal norms, social norms and etiquette norms. Because all these norms are norms shared by Indonesian society. Each norm has its own role in regulating human life. Because norms are rules that must be obeyed by a society, a person whose life can be said to be peaceful or a social person is an example of someone who obeys norms. And the norms that have been established must provide sanctions for those who violate them. However, Indonesian society currently does not seem to believe in the existence of established norms. This is proven by the many deviant acts such as corruption, insulting religion, and theft. Incidents like this show the low spirituality of this country. Therefore, if this bad way of thinking is inherited by the current generation, then we can predict that the living conditions of the next generation of young people will be even worse than now. This currently happens a lot to teenagers who violate Indonesian norms through deviant behavior. They don’t seem to care anymore about existing norms. The current reality is that many teenagers show deviant behavior that is no longer in accordance with the norms that apply in Indonesia. Baca jugaa : These are the Habits of British Cultural Society They no longer care about existing norms. Because foreign culture comes in unfiltered and is easily accessible, teenagers tend to be tempted by things that may be dangerous for them, such as blue films and pornographic scenes. Teenagers can freely access and watch these films without parental supervision. Watching this film can have a negative impact on the psyche of teenagers. And you’ll want to do what you see. If yes, who is responsible? The problem above is just one example of a case that often occurs in Indonesia. With the development of very sophisticated technology today, it is also influenced by the cultural developments that exist in Indonesia today. As explained above, foreign culture enters without barriers and without any filter. In general, adolescence is a very important age where pleasure always follows and is imitated. Baca jugaa :Modern Women’s Hangout Bags These foreign cultures are easily accessible through everything, including television, films, video clips, the internet, and various other technological tools. Nowadays, the Internet is no longer a rare tool, and you can use it anytime and anywhere. Nowadays, more and more people are accessing something new via the Internet. Apart from that, many stands are now connected to the internet so they are easier for visitors to access. In these internet cafes, young people usually access pornographic videos freely and without supervision. Some cyber cafes block pornographic sites, but others do not, allowing you to access these sites easily and freely. The internet is often misused for bad purposes. A common problem is the widespread marketing of blue films to teenagers via DVD and VCD. It seems that religious norms are no longer ignored by some political parties. People who take advantage of this business don’t seem to think about the impact and impact on the younger generation who watch it. Budaya Budaya China Dangers of Foreign Culture Entering IndonesiaForeign Culture Entering
Mengenal Budaya Gamelan Jawa Posted on 26 August 202326 August 2023 Mengenal Budaya Gamelan Jawa – Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terkenal akan kekayaan alat musik tradisionalnya. Salah satunya adalah gamelan, alat musik asli berbagai daerah di Indonesia dan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Gamelan adalah seperangkat alat musik yang dimainkan secara bersamaan. Mengenal Budaya Gamelan Jawa surlerythme – Gamelan adalah… Read More
Budaya Keunikan Budaya Di Seluruh Dunia Posted on 20 February 2024 Keunikan Budaya Di Seluruh Dunia – Ada banyak situs warisan budaya di seluruh dunia yang memiliki nilai sejarah, arkeologi, dan artistik. Berikut ini adalah beberapa situs warisan budaya yang paling terkenal di seluruh dunia. Keunikan Budaya Di Seluruh Dunia Piramida Giza (Mesir): Piramida Giza adalah salah satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban… Read More
Budaya China Understanding Chinese Culture Posted on 21 September 2024 Understanding Chinese Culture – China, with its rich and varied history, has created a unique heritage. Known as one of the oldest countries in the world, China has deep traditions in art, music, literature, philosophy and other aspects of the world. Understanding Chinese Culture surlerythme – We will explore various… Read More